So it has been a few days since I posted, regrettably. So over the last few days I've obviously been running. Today marked the 45th day of my mile a day thing. I found out from a few people that I have got them to start the same program. At least 1 mile a day, more is great, but they've started a mile. I did have to warn them of the first 3 weeks though. The drive wasn't there for me until after that. Several people in my class at school have started already, or will be starting in the very near future. One of my best friends, Fatty, whom I just spoke with tonight really likes the idea and will be starting once his knee heals...As an aside he tried cutting his own leg off with a steel cutter of some sort. Not really tried so much as narrowly missed. He should be starting by the end of this month. This is great.
I was thinking during my run today, which by the by was a 10k on the treadmill (I hate them, I get SO bored), then followed by a nice 11 mile ride at 22 mph. I was cruisin! Anyway, I was thinking. If everyone would take 10 minutes everyday to run, or at least walk, one mile...Our country would be so much healthier. I have been feeling GREAT. Everyday I wake up energized, happy, and most importantly in less pain than I have felt in years! I can't rave enough about it.
I also was thinking I am probably going to sign up for the Cleveland marathon. It is in May, which poses the problem of training during my rotation in San Diego. Now, believe me, I know how much easier it will be to run out there, but I don't know how much time I'm going to have for extended runs as it will be around the time I'll be making my longest runs for training. hmmm. I'll definitely make time.
Yesterday, I was running really low on time as I was meeting a buddy out for $1 burgers at our local Bar Louis, no they don't pay me, but its a great deal. Beer and basically all you can eat delicious burgers? Gimme a break, I'm there! So I stopped in at the gym on the way. 1 Mile day...But I did it in under 7 minutes. 2 weeks ago that would not have been anywhere near possible! Monday was a fast 4 mile day. Tomorrow, I have a feeling sore is going to be part of it, but its going to be a short day, 1 or 2 miles, but I'm going to put a lift in during class (one of the ones I don't go to because it is AWFUL!) because I'm driving home to surprise the rents. Thought they'd enjoy it, that and Kim is in Phoenix for her marathon, so I wont be going there.
So school is school, can't wait for it to be over. But it is coming soon, I talked someone the grade above me, and it almost rejuvenated me for this last 6 weeks until classes are done. Can't come soon enough, I'll say that. So I wont be posting until Monday probably, as I'll be outta town, but trust me, the Mile a Day will continue. I plan an interval day, probably Friday, and those are rough days for me.
As for the title of this post, I've lost my mind, I'm convinced of it. After the workout today and my excitement for my next one tomorrow? Ive never wanted to go workout again right after the last one got over. I do vaguely remember all the miles going to my brain during high school cross country and feeling something like this, but not to this extent. Insanity is my plea.
11 years ago
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