Saturday, March 7, 2009

SO sorry!

So everyone, I am very sorry about the past few weeks.  I haven't been able to feed you the necessary nourishment.  Boy do I have a lot of making up to do.  That and a lot of beans to spill.

So 3 weeks ago I started finals, and finals being what they are, little balls of stress all tightly packed like the mean friend that packs the snow into an ice ball during a snowball fight.  Small sure, but man they pack a whallop!  Saturday, a few back, I took my iceball suppository, thanks to law class, then went running.  I went 14 miles this chosen saturday and realized something very important.  You have to eat before you try to do something like that.  I hadn't eaten at all and ran myself into too deep of a hole.  I got sick.  Not just any sick, bad sick that I slept for 19 hours a day.  But I didn't have the time to keep doing it, thanks to more exams...and clinic!  YAY!!!

Anyway, I passed my classes.  Oh!  Good news, I just found out a day or two ago I made Dean's list.  So I think I made Dean's List every semester so far.  Once I finished hell week of finals and clinic, and clinic finals, I went snowboarding in New York.  A friend from school invited me along to go up to a family friends condo, and go skiing for the weekend at Holiday Valley.  It was beautiful.  Riding was pretty decent too!  Trails were well groomed, fun runs, and they were not nearly as short as some of the crap I've come across in the midwest!  It was lots o' fun.  BUT, I was still sick and was only able to go a half a day before I thought I was going to die from coughing.  So I called it a day, which turned into calling it a weekend and I stayed in the rest of the time because I though I was dying.  Wonderful.

Good news though.  I did maintain my mile-a-day!  I was able to walk a mile everyday, even with my death being eminent.  So just about 3 or 4 days ago I started running again.  I hope I didn't, but it feels like I lost EVERYTHING!  I've gone 2 miles for the past 3 days, and I just cannot feel good.  Of course, I am coughing incessantly, and I still don't feel like I'm un-sick.  I do still have a little hope that this will go away, and the good running vibe will come back, and stay until my marathon.

So that was a brief summary of all the time I wasn't able to bring you my aimless ramblings, and I know this doesn't make up for my time away, but its a start.  I promise I'll be on more to give you more of what you need.  Well, it looks like the rain has stopped, and I am going to go for another 2 mile stumblefest.  Hopefully, these will turn into runs in the very near future.

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